This Google Earth KMZ file contains nearly 20,000 census tract centroids, representing all census tracts with an estimated 50 or more Latinos of voting age who are citizens as of July, 2006.
These estimates can be used to help set targets for voter registration efforts in Latino neighborhoods.
The tracts are sorted by state, county, and place. For faster load time, Google Earth initially displays Wisconsin only. Click on the sidebar boxes to display additional states.
Use the gCensus web form found here to obtain tract boundaries in KMZ format for your areas of interest.
These estimates can be used to help set targets for voter registration efforts in Latino neighborhoods.
The tracts are sorted by state, county, and place. For faster load time, Google Earth initially displays Wisconsin only. Click on the sidebar boxes to display additional states.
Use the gCensus web form found here to obtain tract boundaries in KMZ format for your areas of interest.
No census tract in ME, NH, VT, or WV met the 50 person threshold.
Citizenship rates are from the 2000 census. The Census Bureau does not provide citizenship estimates by ethnicity for areas smaller than a census tract.
The 2006 citizen counts are adjusted to take into account population change.
Source: Derived from 2000 Census SF 4 file and Caliper Corporation Time Series Data 2006.
See also: Latino Registered Voters in CA by Precinct (2004). Unfortunately, we are unaware of publicly available information that would allow us to replicate this for states other than California.
These estimates can be used to help set targets for voter registration efforts in Asian-American neighborhoods.
The tracts are sorted by state, county, and place.
Use the gCensus web form found here to obtain tract boundaries in KMZ format for your areas of interest.
No census tract in ID, MT, ND, SD, WV, or WY met the 50 person threshold.
Source: Derived from 2000 Census SF 4 file and Caliper Corporation Time Series Data 2006.
The 2006 citizen counts are adjusted to take into account population change.
Source: Derived from 2000 Census SF 4 file and Caliper Corporation Time Series Data 2006.
See also: Latino Registered Voters in CA by Precinct (2004). Unfortunately, we are unaware of publicly available information that would allow us to replicate this for states other than California.
Estimated Asian 18+ citizens (2006) by tract
The Google Earth KMZ file depicted in the map below contains over 6,500 census tract centroids, representing all census tracts with an estimated 50 or more Asian-Americans of voting age who are citizens as of July, 2006.These estimates can be used to help set targets for voter registration efforts in Asian-American neighborhoods.
The tracts are sorted by state, county, and place.
Use the gCensus web form found here to obtain tract boundaries in KMZ format for your areas of interest.
No census tract in ID, MT, ND, SD, WV, or WY met the 50 person threshold.
Source: Derived from 2000 Census SF 4 file and Caliper Corporation Time Series Data 2006.
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