FairVote2020 has developed an interactive map showing voter registration in Oklahoma by precinct as of 2003. There are also interactive maps showing turnout rates of the voting age population in the 2000 presidential contest and Bush-Gore by precinct.
Additional maps include census data on race, ethnicity and income. Change maps by clicking the drop-down menu under "Compare Maps" on the left.
At the end of this page is a link to Adobe maps showing the unregistered voting age population by 2003 precinct for Oklahoma localities with populations greater than 10,000. There is also a link to a second set of maps for the same places displaying Bush-Gore by precinct and a third link with maps showing turnout for the 2000 presidential contest.
Unregistered Over 18 Population in 2003 by Precinct

Map 1 (default map) -- Percent Unregistered over 18 in Oklahoma ( 2003 precincts)
At a scale of about 5 miles, the number of voting age persons who are not registered to vote is displayed in purple boxes. This number has not been adjusted for non-citizens. Precinct boundaries are those in effect in 2003. Pie charts display in areas with significant minority population, showing race/ethnicity components for the over 18 population.
Sources: Census 2000, Oklahoma State Election Board, Oklahoma Center for GeoSpatial Information
Maps 2 thru 17 -- Block-Group Socio-Economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map details.
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
Map 18 -- Bush-Gore by 2000 Precinct
Head-to-head contest (minus third party votes). When zoomed in to a scale of about 5 miles, the green lines show 2003 precinct boundaries.
For registration and voting information based on the 2000 lines, click INFO and then click on the map. 2000 data can be accessed in the pop-up window under the field Precincts 2000 (OK) .
Sources: Census 2000, Federal Elections Project, American University.
Map 19 -- Percent Turnout by 2000 Precinct New 8/04
At a scale of about 5 miles, the number of voting age persons (by precinct) who did not vote in the 2000 election is displayed in purple boxes. This number includes both registered and unregistered persons and has not been adjusted for non-citizens. Precinct boundaries are those in effect in 2000. When zoomed in to a scale of about 5 miles, the green lines show 2003 precinct boundaries.
For turnout and voting information based on the 2000 lines, click INFO and then click on the map. 2000 data can be accessed in the pop-up window under the field Precincts 2000 (OK) .
Sources: Census 2000, Federal Elections Project, American University.
Map 20 -- Bush-Gore by County (Head-to-Head Contest) Note that congressional lines are for the 109th congress ( 2005-2006), not the historical 2000 boundaries.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections
Map 21 -- Bush-Kerry by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
This map does not display election returns below the county level.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections, 12/03/04.
Map 22 -- Party Affiliation (State Senate) 2007
Map 23 -- Party Affiliation (State House) 2007
Map 24 -- Party Affiliation (Congress) 2007
High Detail "Zoomable"-- Adobe format -- zoom to 200+)
Birds-eye view of 2003 registration rates for the 18+ population. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show unregistered 18+ by precinct. These maps match the default map in the interactive map described above.
Bush-Gore by 2000 precinct (head to head contest excluding third party candidates). The numbers in boxes show votes cast for the two major party candidates. These maps match interactive map 18 described above. The green lines show 2003 precinct boundaries.
Birds-eye view of 2000 turnout rates for the 18+ population. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show voting age persons (by precinct) who did not vote in the 2000 election. The numbers include non-voting registered and unregistered persons and are not adjusted for non-citizens. These maps match interactive map 19 described above. The green lines show 2003 precinct boundaries.
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