FairVote2020 has developed interactive maps showing extensive constituency information on African-American voters in North Carolina. The map below -- Unregistered African-Americans in North Carolina -- shows the unregistered African American population along with geocoded residences of approximately 50,000 African Americans who have been purged because they have not voted since the 1998 general election. Other maps can be reached by clicking on "Compare Maps" on the left.
Below links to those maps you will find links to maps in Adobe format which are also "zoomable." The Adobe maps include unregistered African Americans by county, as well as maps showing precinct details for unregistered African Americans in municipalities with populations over 15,000.
More detailed street-level Adobe maps are available for about 350 precincts statewide where 40% or more of the voting age population is African American, with an estimated 50 or more African Americans of voting age who are unregistered.
A second directory link contains 385 additional maps for precincts statewide where 20% to 40% of the voting age population is black. Taken together, these 735 precincts -- 20% and higher -- have upwards of 200,000 unregistered African-Americans.At the end of this page is a link to Adobe maps showing nonvoters (all races and ethnicities) and 2002 turnout rates by precinct for North Carolina localities with populations greater than 10,000.
In addition, there is a link to a second set of maps for the same places displaying results for the 2002 US Senate contest by precinct. There is also a link to view the 2002 election results in Google Earth.
Unregistered African-Americans in North Carolina
Google-FairData Base Map (start with a Google map interface)
Map 1 (default map) -- Unregistered African Americans over 18 by 2002 precinct
At a scale of about 15 miles, the estimated number of voting age persons (by precinct) who are not registered is displayed in purple boxes. When you click on ZOOM TO and then click on the map -- voter registration and demographic data for the precinct selected will appear in a table below the map. Click on INFO and then click on the map for more detailed data.
Dots show geocoded residences of approximately 50,000 African-Americans who were purged from the registered voter list because they have not voted since before the 1998 general election. This set of purged voters excludes dorm students and persons who have moved or are known to have died and felons. Also excluded are the households of an additional 15,000 purged African-American nonvoters who live in primarily rural areas with addresses that cannot be accurately geocoded.
Sources: Census 2000, State Board of Elections and North Carolina General Assembly
A key to abbreviations used in the precinct tables accessible from the interactive map is available here:
Maps 2- 17 -- Block-Group Socio-Economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map details.
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
Map 18 -- Focus Precincts
This map shows about 350 precincts statewide - where more than 40% of the voting age population is African American, with an estimated 50 or more unregistered African Americans. There are over 100,000 unregistered African Americans in these precincts.
Street-level printer-ready detail maps can be downloaded by clicking on the INFO button and then on the precinct of interest. Next select "Focus Precincts" and select the Adobe map link from the lower half of the pop-up window. The block-level estimates in these maps are based on a geocoded voter list. Approximately 95% of African Americans registered to vote statewide were geocoded. Most of the remainder live in rural areas where address matching is more problematic.
Batch downloads for the Adobe files organized by county can be accessed via this directory:
For a map-linked spreadsheet bridging between the Adobe maps and the interactive map (with built-in sorting features) click here. Try the Greensboro tutorial developed with our client Democracy South.
A key to abbreviations used in the precinct tables accessible from the interactive map is available here:
Map 19 -- Dole-Bowles (U.S. Senate 2002) by precinct
Head-to-head contest (minus third party votes), excludes absentee ballots

Sources: Census 2000, State Board of Elections and North Carolina General Assembly
Map 20 -- Turnout 2002 U.S. Senate by precinct (Votes Cast by 18+ pop, all races)
Includes third party votes, excludes absentee ballots
Sources: Census 2000, State Board of Elections and North Carolina General Assembly
Map 21 -- Bush-Kerry by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
This map does not display election returns below the county level.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections, 12/03/04.
Map 22 -- Party Affiliation (State Senate) 2007
Map 23 -- Party Affiliation (State House) 2007
Map 24 -- Party Affiliation (Congress) 2007
High Detail "Zoomable"-- Adobe format -- zoom to 200+)
These maps are set to print at 11" by 17" but can be enlarged at Kinkos .
Click on the links below to see the index of maps, then click on the file name. It will take a few moments for the file to load into the Acrobat reader, depending upon the speed of your internet connection. To save and then view a map file (the best method for accessing these files), right click on the file name, then choose 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer) or 'Save Link As' (Netscape). Files range from 300k to 800k in size.
African American Voter Registration Maps
- Community-wide Maps (Unregistered AA) NC municipalities / pop. over 15,000 (49)
Each map displays an area approximately 15 miles wide. About two-thirds of the state's African American population lives in the areas shown on these maps. Additional areas uploaded on request.
These maps can be used for orientation purposes with the "focus precinct" block-level maps below. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show unregistered voters and will match the unregistered voter count in the footer portion of the block-level "focus precinct" maps.
- Statewide Focus Precincts (Block-level-- 40%+ African American)
Street-level detail maps showing estimated unregistered African-Americans by census block. There are about 350 printer-ready Adobe maps available for download -- showing precincts where more than 40% of the voting age population is African American, with an estimated 50 or more unregistered African Americans. There are over 100,000 unregistered African Americans in these precincts.
Census blocks shaded in grey have African-American voting age populations below 40%.
Approximately 95% of African Americans registered to vote statewide were geocoded. Most of the remainder live in rural areas where address matching is more problematic.
See also: map-linked spreadsheet.
- 20% to 40% Precincts African American (Block-level)
385 more street-level maps employing the same methodology as above, but for precincts with 20% to 40% African-American voting age population. About 85,000 unregistered African Americans of voting age live in these precincts.
Precinct-level GOTV Maps
North Carolina localities with populations over 10,000 (65)
Birds-eye view of precinct-level turnout rates in the 2002 US Senate contest. These Adobe maps match interactive map 20. The numbers in purple boxes show total non-voters by precinct (all races, both registered and unregistered persons over 18).
- Dole-Bowles by Precinct
These maps match map 19 in the interactive map.
- Religious Congregations, Parks & Schools in Very Low Turnout Precincts (<30%>
Filtered to encompass neighborhoods that are 30%+ Below Poverty or 30%+ Minority (Block Groups)
Adobe file
zipped Excel Spreadsheet (map-linked to interactive map 20)
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